6S Program

This is a new approach in the Biopsychosocial model.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Based on the data collected, a personalized treatment plan is drawn up for each clinical case. There is no standardization on the number of sessions, we work with patient feedback, being reassessed at each session.
We are a family owned and operated business.
We, together with your doctor, can treat your pain multidimensionally.
Phases of the program

Phase 1 and 2
Pain assessment to raise biopsychosocial aspects.

Phase 5
Focused on active stretching and strengthening exercises

Phase 3
Use of several electrotherapeutic and manual resources to control PAIN

Phase 6
In cases where pain is related to biopsychosocial factors, the assessment instrument is reapplied during the phases, with the aim of:

Phase 4
Postural organization and segmental stabilization

• Satisfactory results
in less time;
• Comparison of the effects of improvement or worsening of pain by the patient;
• targeting the treatment.